ʷ (chiftlem): It is read the consonant twice. ∧ᒍʷԋ (Allah)
° (Dursak): It is stoped the previous letter. ⥌⊲°ḶḶ (Ak’baba).
. (Noktay): Point - It is used end of the sentences. て ∧ᒍʷԋ°ഥ. (Hay Allah’dır.)
, (Okmay): Comma. Ḷર⊲, @, ⧽ ⱱ ๛ (Barq, At, Ol ve Sin)
Others: ; ^ + - * / % & {} () [] ? = _ - ! : > < |
Countries - Land and National
british: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ (Ingelz)
british country: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ৬ (İngelzya)
british nation: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ..↾ (İngelzî)
british land: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ≾웃〟(İngelzestayen)
from british: ↾ƝГᒍᓬ৬ᒍ↾ (İngelzyali)
british: ᒍ≾Ɲ..↾ ↾ƝГᒍᓬ (Lesen-i İngelz)
english: ↾ƝГᒍᓬC (İngelzce)
English: Countries - Land and National & Punctuation
Deutsch: Länder - Land und National & Interpunktion