Gösterilenler: 1-18
Countries - Land and National & Punctuation Punctuation
Others: ; ^ + - * / % & {} () [] ? = _ - ! : > < | Й↓웃૪ - Ꭷ’ᒍ⟓ ⱱ Ꭷᒍ≾ᒍર (Nuktaylam - Ulkey ve ulaslar) - Countries - Land and National & Punctuation |
Days - Months - Colours Days
Г❞〟- I〟- ĊᎧ’ᓬ❞ГӬƝ (gunen, ayen, cozungen) - Days - Months - Colours |
Ya Rab’Ba Ni-yaz Divine Rules There are some rules that we write somethings to the god. For the god there are some rules. The personal pronoun of the God: て (Hay) Article: ৬ (Ya) and I (Ay) Tobe: ჰŧ (İst) or ഥ (Dır)
For example Normal Sentences:
Divine Sentences:
ჰŧ = て ჰŧ ∧ᒍʷԋ (Hay ist Allah) : It is Allah who is the One. ഥ = て ∧ᒍʷԋ°ഥ (Hay Allah’dır) : It is Allah who is the One. ৬ ૭’’ᎧમᒍƝ..↾ મḶБ Й৬ᓬ (Ya guralen-i Rayb'be Nuyaz) - Divine Rules |
Adjective Clauses & Tenses Adjective ClausesБર ⥌ƆM (Ber Adam) - a man Ḷ ⥌ƆM (Bu adam) - this man The articles donot used with number adjectives and indefinite articles. Without that the articles has to used front of the all names. ৬ Эԋᛠ৬ર ⥌ƆM (Ya ehteyar adam) - Old man Adjective clauses front of the name : ৬ Эԋᛠ৬ર ⥌ƆM (Ya ehteyar adam) - Old man Adjective clauses end of the name : The article is used front of the adjective and name and also “i” between adjective and nouns. ৬ ⥌ƆM..↾ Эԋᛠ৬ર (Ya adam-i Ehteyar) - The man who is old. As Double adjective usage : ৬ Ꭷ’ƝᒍᎧ’ ⥌ƆM..↾ Эԋᛠ৬ર (Ya ünlü adam-i ehteyar) The famous man who is old. ᒍ ⥌ഥĴ⟓ᛠƑƝ ⱱ ⥌Ɲ〟 (El adjektefen ve aanen) - Adjective Clauses and Tenses |
Hours - Times & The Number Hours - TimesHours and times means “OGᎧર” (Ogur) in the Al Bakiyye language. It is used “ჰŧ” as To Be.
Answer: ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ … (Ol ogur ist ...) or ⧽ OGᎧર …’ഥ (Ol ogur …’dir.) 21:00 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ ⟓↓Бર. (Ol Ogur ist keyokber) 12:30 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ OƝ⟓ ḶĊ↓ (Ol ogur ist onkey buchuk) 10:05 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ OƝ..↾ ГĊર Б≾. (Ol ogur ist oniiy gecher besh) 03.25 = ⧽ OGᎧર ჰŧ Ꭷ’Ċ..↾ ГĊર ⟓↓Б≾. (Ol ogur ist uchy gecher keyokbesh.) Moment: OG (Og) Hour: OGᎧર (Ogur) Minute: OGમ↓ (Ograyik) Second: OGᎧરഥ↓ (Ogurdak) Split-second: OGᎧરĊ↓ (Ogurchak) OƓ.Ꭷર〟ⱱ じ↾ᒍર (Oguren ve sayılar) - Hours - Times & The Number |
I Think & Infinitive Rules & Naming I Think“じƝરما, ᓬƝЙMC, ماC, ૭’’ᒍ⥌୨Б, Ƒ↾⟓ཞما” (Saynarmen, Zannumca, Mence, Бᒍk, Galavbe, Fikriymen) ЙમƆ ৬ Ꭷ’Mર ? (Nurayda ya Omar?) - Where is the Omar? Ƒ↾⟓ཞما, ⧽ ჰŧ ৬ Ḷર⊲Ɔ (Fikriymen, ol ist ya barqda) - I think, he is at home. ᓬƝЙMC k; ⧽ ჰŧ Ƒ..↾ ↓Ø (Zannumca ki, ol ist fiy okkul.) - In my opinion he is in the school.. Бᒍk ჰŧ ⧽ Ƒ..↾ ↓Ø (Belki ist ol fiy okkul) He can be in the school. *If we use this sentences as a clause, we can use with “k”. Ƒ↾⟓ཞما k, ⧽ Ϣર Г@⥌CĴ⧽ ᛠᎧ ↓Ø. (Fikriymen ky ol war getecegjol to okkul) English: I think, that he will go to school. じƝરما & M≾ᛠર〟& ᛠᎧ ⥌ഥ૪ (Saynarmen ve Mastaren ve Tu Adlam) - I Think & Infinitive Rules & Naming |
Possessive Pronouns & Question Pronouns Possessive PronounsIt is use “in” end of the personal pronouns.
ᒍ ഥ’Mર..↾ I৬ᒍ↓ & ≾OરGᎧ ⥌ഥᒍʷર..↾ (El zemer-i eyyelik ve sorgu adallariiy) - Possessive Pronouns & Question Pronouns |
Time Expressions
Ƒ⥌Ɔ..↾⥌Ɲ (Efaade-i Aan) - Time Expressions |
Conjunctions & Prepositions Conjunctions
ḶǦ૪λᒍર & ≾ȪᓬƆર (Baglaclar & Sözder) - Conjunctions & Prepositions |
Modal Verbs - Passive Voice - Imperative Voice Modal VerbsThe modal verbs in the Al Bakiyye are same to English and German.
For Example: I have to go to work. ما ഥ’ર❞Ɔ Г@MЭ⟓ ᓬᎧ ᒍӬ ↓Ø. Reading: Men zorunda getmek zu la okkul. MOഥᒍ〟, ЭƆᒍГ〟, Mર〟 (Modalen, Edelgen, Emeren) - Modal Verbs - Passive Voice - Imperative Voice |
Sentences & ToBe Main Sentences : ما Ϣર Гᒍ⥌CĴما ᒍӬ ↓Ø∧ ๛ᒍ〟 ৬ર〟. (Men war gelecejmen lâ okkula sinlen yarın) I will come to the school with you tomorrow. Clause Sentences: ๛ Ϣર ≾ЭⱱMЭ⟓ ഥO≾ᛠ❞⥙ ≾Э, ⧽Mᒍ↾ ๛৬રƆMC ⧽∧. (Sin war sevmek dostunng ese, olmali sin yardimci ola) If you love your friend, you have to help him. *You may not use TO Be in the clause sentences. ما ϢᎧરƆ Ḷ⧽Ɔما ᒍӬ ḺરIG Г@ર⟓〟 ما ৬ ↓Ø∧ (Men wurde buldimen lâ parayga geterkeyen men ya okkula.) While I was going to school, I found a wallet. ≾ȪᓬᒍM - IᒍЭⱱ ⱱ Б@ᒍM (sözlem - eylev ve betlem) - Sentences & ToBe |
Marker, Definition, Articles Article is like “The”. In german there are 3 article; “Der, die, das”. There are 6 article in the Al Bakiyye language. These are “৬, I, ⧽, ᒍӬ, ᒍ, ..↾” (Ya, Ay, Ol, Lâ, El ve İiy).
Except for the “..↾” (İiy) artikel, no artikel is associated with names. Бᒍરᛠλ (Belertenç) - Article |
Personal Pronouns There are 8 personal pronouns and 2 types TO BE in the Al Bakiyye language.
ᒍ ഥ’Mર..↾Ұてᓬ (El zemer-i şayhaz) - Personal Pronouns |
Adjectives In the Al Bakkiye language, there are 4 forms that can make adjective.
English: “New house” or “the house which is the new”. ⥌ഥĴ⟓ᛠƑƝ (Adjektefen) - Adjectives |
The Nouns There 2 types name in Al Bakiyye language; Private nouns, common nouns. All nouns has got article (Belirtencg). There are 4 types plural forms. It is used “ჰŧ -ഥ” as TO BE in the noun sentences. Plural Forms:
⥌ഥᒍર (Adlar) - Conditions of Nouns, The Nouns, |
Other Annex and Stamps
Ȫᛠk 웃MGᒍ↓ᒍર (Öteki tamgaluklar) - Other Annex and Stamps |
Al Bakiyye Alphabet and Writing System Alphabet in Al Bakiyye means "웃MGᒍ↓” (Tamgaluq) or “∧БC” (Eabece) ᒍ ᒍ≾Ɲ..↾Ḷ⟓৬ ∧БC๛ ⱱ ৬ᓬI (El lesen-i Bakiyye abecesin ve yazay) - Al Bakiyye Alphabet and Writing System |
Al Bakiyye Alphabet ![]() ∧БC (AEBECE) - Alphabet |